Bride’s top 14 wedding regrets to avoid

Yelling Bride wedding regrets

There are so many things to think about and organize for a wedding

It’s no surprise that many brides have a few regrets about some elements of their big day – after the fact. This blog will hopefully highlight the biggest regrets, to help others avoid them.

The survey results

After surveying a small group of my own clients, friends and family, I have come up with the following – in no particular order:

There are so many things to think about and organize for a wedding

It’s no surprise that many brides have a few regrets about some elements of their big day – after the fact. This blog will hopefully highlight the biggest regrets, to help others avoid them.

The survey results

After surveying a small group of my own clients, friends and family, I have come up with the following – in no particular order;

1. Inviting too many people

Couples find that the bigger their wedding is, the less time they have to enjoy the party and time with their new spouse, not to mention the higher costs.

2. Inviting people out of obligation

Keep in mind this is your wedding, thus it really should be your rules. Especially if you are paying for it. Invite people who love you and want to be there for you, not for the free food.

If your parents are the financiers of the big day, it is fair to have a couple of guests at their request, but they also have to remember, your wedding is a celebration of YOUR union, not a popularity contest for them.

3. Inviting people no longer in your life

Inviting work colleagues, or acquaintances that are no longer in your life … Why?

4. Inviting “strangers”

You are not obliged to invite strangers to your wedding, even if they are related – this includes partners of family members whom neither the bride nor groom have ever met.  Simple.

5. Not speaking up when something is not right

Without being unreasonable, if there is something not right with your hair, or makeup trial for example, let your stylist know. That way there is the option of adjusting things so it’s as perfect as possible for you.

6. Freaking out over small details

Yes it is good to speak up if something is not right, but if there is something that cannot be changed, there is no point in fussing over it. For example, the colour of your flowers have grown a shade the wrong tone than what you wanted. They are flowers – it’s mother nature’s colour choice.

The wedding is not about the small things, it’s about you and your significant other uniting forever. He will still marry you, even if your flowers aren’t perfect.

7. Not taking time out with your newly married partner on the day

Stop and smell the roses, as the saying goes. This is likely the biggest party you may ever organize, you are allowed to enjoy it too. Just think, you now have an official partner in crime. Yay!

8. Not having a hair and/or makeup trial, or going with a cheaper artist to save money

Now I have done many a wedding without a trial, but generally my clients have done their thorough homework on me first, so it works out fine.

But I have done too many post-wedding photo shoots for clients who did not like their look in their wedding photos. A very costly mistake. Not every ‘artist’ is qualified, or experienced, so do your research.

9. Not preserving their wedding flowers

Many brides love the idea of having their bouquet preserved and hung as a decoration as a beautiful reminder of the day.

10. Wishing they had booked a better photographer

My Aunty regrets this still, after over 30 years of marriage! Choose your photographer based on talent and experience over price, don’t pick friends, or family with a ‘good camera’. Another “Do your research” solution. Trust me, this is the biggest regret I hear!

11. Wishing they had booked a professional videographer

This is actually my mother’s biggest regret and I have to say, I would have LOVED to have seen a video of my parents wedding. I really wish they had booked one too!

12. Wishing they had asked people who were also getting ready at the house, if they wanted Hair and Makeup booked too

There have been quite a few times when an Aunty, or Friend has watched me do hair and makeup on the wedding day, then they quietly ask if I could fit them in. As I always add extra time into my quote, I can often accommodate, but there are times when more than one person asks and time just won’t allow.

13. Going with the latest fashions or trends

Best to keep things classic, so you don’t have the “Omg, what was I thinking, that is sooo 20-teen!!” moments every time you look through your photos in years to come.

14. DIY on the food

I catered and hosted my engagement party years ago and…never again! I was so busy I never got time to sit and have a drink, let alone enjoy myself. Delegate these kinds of things to friends, family, or professionals and enjoy your day.

Food for thought …

So these are some things to think about when organizing your special day. It is a beautiful day in your life, that signifies a union with your special other half and you do deserve to enjoy it and have no regrets. So if this has helped you in any way, please share it and help others get the most out of their fun event.