We all know that planning a wedding can be stressful, expensive and complicated, but it can also be fun and exciting too.
Here are some little things to think about when planning and budgeting for your big day that you may not have included in your plans.
Shop around
Get at least 3 quotes for each service/product provider to make sure you are getting a fair price. Get all quotes in writing too.
Try to be flexible with your choices
This may save you money and stress. If your fave venue is booked out, be open to changing the date, or venue.
Choose attendants who are willing to be your helpers and who truly feel honoured to be chosen
No point in choosing someone who doesn’t want to be there for you when you need them, or who causes more drama than help. They need to remember, it’s your day, not theirs. You don’t want a Bridesmaidzilla to deal with.
Decide whether you will pay for your attendants attire and accessories before you ask them. And if not, let them know that they have to pay, so they can make a fair decision on whether to accept. If they can’t afford it, they can politely decline and avoid stressful complications later down the line.
The Upset
You will likely upset at least one person during your planning. Whether it be seating arrangements, attendant choice, guest list, location etc… Just remember, it is your wedding, thus your choices and budget. Don’t let people make you feel bad for planning it your way.
It doesn’t have to be big and fancy
Some of the most romantic and beautiful weddings are small and intimate. Don’t feel pressured into inviting your second cousin’s niece’s daughter’s boyfriend’s mum…. (just an example). Especially if you are on a tight budget!! Invite those who love you the most. And it is ok not to allow plus ones. It’s Your wedding and Your money, why buy an expensive wedding dinner for a stranger, when you have friends and family that you can’t afford to invite. You want people at your wedding who want to be there for YOU, not for the free expensive meal and drinks.
The Little Things
Remember why you are organizing your wedding….. To be united with your Treasured Other Half whom you love dearly! Not to have flowers in a level 8 deep red shade, with white satin bows, and cluster diamonties. Don’t get too caught up and stressed with the little things, because honestly, they don’t matter and no one remembers them.
It’s not just your wedding
It is your partner’s wedding too.
Even if you have a tight budget, you won’t regret splurging on the things that last forever, like your photos. These will be passed down through the generations. Photography, makeup, and videography are the most common regrets I hear about if they are not done right. My parents still regret their videography choice and my Aunty wishes she had a better photographer and both weddings were over 35 years ago!! And I way too often get hired to do wedding re-shoots because the bride hated her makeup. Choose wisely.
If you plan on getting facial treatments, start a couple of months before. If you have a reaction to the products a salon uses, you want time for it to heal. Your skin also will look better after a few good facials, rather than just one.
If you ladies plan on getting any facial waxing done (e.g. lip, side burns, above brows), do it at least 4 days before your big day, so the invisible little hairs have time to grow back. If you do it the day before, the waxed area will not hold makeup well, and the difference may look very obvious. Your makeup artist will understand what I mean by this.
Pre-book your haircuts and colours before the big day
This goes for you men too! Also, your wedding is not a good time to go for a drastic change. Ask your hairstylist about lengths required for the hair style you are thinking of having, if you are not sure.
Create a spreadsheet for all your prices and details, so you can keep track of who best suits your needs. Folders with pictures of styles are also great.
Research hair and makeup styles and have pictures before having your trials
Keep in mind your artists may need to alter these styles to suit you best, but it gives them a fantastic guide and direction to help design your perfect look. Also, don’t wear makeup to your makeup trial, just moisturiser, and best to wash your hair the day before, so it is clean and dry, ready for styling.
The universe does not revolve around you
Yes, you are very important and so is your wedding, but don’t expect everyone to stop their worlds just for your wedding. Bridezillas do exist when this is forgotten. Be appreciative if worlds are stopped for you, but don’t expect it. No one will care about your wedding as much as you.
Collect some favourite photographic shots to show to your photographer. They will give a clearer idea of your expectations and style.
Make sure you advise your hair stylist, makeup artist and beauty therapist of any allergies, skin concern and medications before they provide their service. This way they can offer you the best service with the best results.
Organise a wedding day emergency kit
This should contain little things like safety pins, bobby pins, tissues, bandaides etc for those little random things that may happen on the day. Check out my previous blog for an extensive kit list https://makeoversaust.com.au/tips-for-brides/top-18-wedding-morning-preparation-tips
Ditch traditions that you have no interest in
If throwing a bouquet isn’t your thing, or a white dress does nothing for your complexion, then, there is no reason to have them. No tradition is “required”. Except what the celebrant says, take their lead on the crucial requirements.
Don’t stress yourself out doing everything yourself. That is what your attendants are for!
Party Early
Don’t do your hens/stag the day before the wedding. If I need to explain why, we have a problem. Have you seen “The Hangover”?
Don’t do crazy stuff before your wedding that could get you injured
Unless of course you are happy with the concept of walking down the isle with a broken leg, or bruises, or worse. Also another reason for tip #21
Feeding vendors
Some service providers (photographers for example) spend the whole day and/or night with you, helping to make sure your day is great. This can be hungry work, so be prepared to feed them.
Who’s bringing stuff?
Who’s bringing your gifts home? How are you getting your stuff home from the reception, or hotel? Who’s bringing your emergency kit? Does everyone have adequate means to get where they need to be? Some people drink and therefore can’t drive. These are best organized before the big day.
Don’t forget to have some touch up makeup products like lipstick and pressed powder. Your makeup artist may be able help you get good photo friendly products.
Prepare for rain
In this crazy world (especially in SA lately) rain hit even in the height of Summer. So when you book your venue, make sure to ask about undercover options.
Make sure your guests stay out of the Photographer’s/Videographers way, the photographer’s job is to get some great shots, which can be difficult with Aunty Sandra, or Grandma in the way. Also, make a point to ensure everyone’s phones are on silent. You don’t want the latest ringtone to make an impromptu cameo during your nuptials.
Child Wrangler
If you are having children at your wedding, make sure there is someone delegated specifically to looking after them, both at the reception and ceremony and for when you are getting ready. I recently heard about a wedding where the 4 year old flower girl spilt red cordial all over the wedding dress the morning of the wedding while everyone was getting ready. This resulted in a very stressful last minute search for a replacement dress!
Don’t drink too much
Having a champas the morning of your wedding is great, but don’t over-do it. Your celebrant has the legal right to refuse marriage if they believe you are intoxicated. I have personally had a bride drink so drunk that doing her hair was a challenge to say the least, as she kept pulling out the pins and laughing as her hair was being done. Stumbling down the isle is not the classiest way to say “I do”.
Have fun
It should be a once in a lifetime day of awesome, but that doesn’t mean the lead up and planning of the day can’t be fun too.
So just remember, if it all gets too hard, you can always elope, go to the Registry Office, or do Vegas. All these options end in the same result = Married status with your special one and only.
For tips on how to save money during wedding planning, check out this blog; https://makeoversaust.com.au/tips-for-brides/budget-saving-wedding-tips